害虫駆除(シロアリ駆除・ムカデ退治)、消臭剤などのおすすめの商品をご紹介 アイ・ビー・アール株式会社



シロアリ防除 5P-30



これら合成ピレスロイドは、虫に対しては 即効性があるのですが、人体には非常に安全で、有機塩素系、カーバメート系、有機リン系(各種の農薬、サリン、V X、タブンなど)のように人体に危険な薬剤とは根本的に異なった殺虫成分です。
これらのピレスロイド系殺虫剤は、そのような安全性が評価され、農薬部門、園芸部門、衛生害虫 (ゴキブリ、ハエ、カ、ダニ、ノミ、シラミ)部門では大いに使用されていたのですが、残効性と価格に問題がありました。

しかし、1973年、英国国立研究開発公社(NRDC)のマイケル・エリオット博士らの開発により残効性が非常に優れたピレスロイドが出現し、パーマネ ントなピレスリンという意味でパーメスリンと名付けられました。

しかし、1975年3月、すなわち同特許の出願より8ヵ月も前に「木材学会創立20周年記念特集号」という学術雑誌に井上嘉幸博士の執筆によりパーメ スリンが木材保存剤として利用され得るという趣旨の論文がすでに掲載されておりました。 弊社は、大企業の独占高額販売を排し、安全で優秀な薬剤を適正価格 で市場に提供しようという熱情をもって、敢えてこの特許を特許庁に無効審判請求をなし、1995年10月23日、同特許の無効審決を勝ち取りました。


 At the beginning of the 20th century, it was discovered that pyrethrum had insecticidal activities, and since then lots of chemically produced pyrethroids have been developed. The pyrethroid is named after pyrethrin, the insecticidal compounds contained in the pyrethrum.

 The properties of these pyrethroids are that knock-down effects to insects and safety to human bodies are superior to other insecticides such as carbamates and organo-phosphorous (sarin, VX and others) which are extremely harmful to humans. The pyrethroid chemicals are widely used for agriculture, horticulture and hygienic purposes, with the safety highly appreciated.  Yet, the disadvantages of pyrethroids, the prices and easy degrading had remained until 1973 when Dr.Michael Elliott and his associates in National Research and Development Corporation in Britain invented a new type of pyrethroid, NRDC-143, which was long stable against light. The new chemical was named Permethrin as a combined name of Permanence and Pyrethrin.

 In Japan, a patent was applied by Sumitomo Chemical Company and Shinto Toryo Company on 26th November 1975 claiming that they invented a use of Permethrin for wood preservation i.e. controlling termites and other wood boring insects. This application was accepted and the patent was filed on 2 February 1984. Unfortunate for these two companies was the fact that eight months before their patent application, a thesis had been publicized in a journal issued by Japan Wood Preservation Association saying that Permethrin could be used for control of termites and other wood pests. With zeal for eliminating highly-priced exclusive marketing conducted by such large companies, our company team succeeded to find this thesis and appealed to the Japan Patent Bureau for nullification of the patent. Obviously our appeal was well accepted by the bureau and this patent was nullified on 23 October 1995.
